Amiga Format CD 16
ahi install
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Text File
1,412 lines
; $VER: AHI Install 4.3 (15.4.97)
; Description: Installer script for the AHI audio system (© 1996, 1997 Martin Blom).
; Done my Martin Blom, partly based on Teemu Suikki's install script.
; Public domain.
(set #complete 0)
(set #completeadd (/ 1000 35)) ; There are 35 complete statements!
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(set #osversion (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536))
;** All the strings
(set #t_welcome (cat
" Welcome to the AHI installation. AHI is a retargetable"
" audio systems that can be used with both the built-in"
" sound chip (Paula) and several sound cards. This is version"
" 4."
(set #t_oldinstaller (cat
" You have an old version of the Installer. I'll probably"
" need version 43.3 or greater. You can continue anyway"
" but there is no guarantee it will work as it's supposed"
" to do.\n"
" Do you wish to continue anyway?"
(set #t_oldinstallerhelp (cat
" The version of Installer you use is too old. You can"
" find a more recent version on the Internet, for example"
" on Aminet, in the util/misc directory. The current"
" file name is \"Installer-43_3.lha\":\n"
" <URL:ftp://ftp.germany.aminet.org/pub/aminet/util/misc/Installer-43_3.lha"
(set #t_installaborted "Installation aborted.")
(set #t_installing "Installing ")
(set #t_installingdocs "Installing developer documentation")
(set #t_installingincs "Installing include files")
(set #t_installingsrc "Installing example source code")
(set #t_nofiles "No files to install.")
(set #t_nohelp "No help available.")
(set #t_parts "Which parts of AHI do you wish to install?")
(set #t_system "System files")
(set #t_prefs "Preferences program")
(set #t_audio "The AUDIO handler");
(set #t_userdoc "User's documentation")
(set #t_a-developer "Application developer files")
(set #t_d-developer "Driver developer files")
(set #t_userhelp (cat
"System files:\n"
" The system files. This is the heart of AHI and must be"
" if for any of the other components to work.\n\n"
"Preferences program:\n"
" The preference program. Can be used to change many options"
" in AHI. This part of AHI requires BGUI to be installed.\n\n"
"The AUDIO handler:\n"
" Allows you to play and record samples with the 'copy'"
" command.\n\n"
"User's documentation:\n"
" An AmigaGuide® file descibing the AHI audio system and"
" its components.\n\n"
(set #t_devhelp (cat
"Application developer files:\n"
" Autodocs, include files, example source code etc."
" Required if you wish to use AHI in your own applications.\n\n"
"Driver developer files:\n"
" Autodocs, example source code etc. Only required"
" if you plan to write hardware drivers for sound"
" cards.\n\n"
(set #t_languages (cat
"Which languages do you want to install?"
" The built-in language is English."))
(set #t_languageshelp (cat
" If your language is not in the list, the author of AHI"
" would be very happy if you made a translation. Edit the files"
" User/Catalogs/NewCatalog.ct and User/Catalogs/NewPrefsCatalog.ct"
" and send it to this address:\n"
" lcs@lysator.liu.se\n\n"
(set #t_drivers (cat
"Which AHI drivers you want to install?"
" It's better to install only the drivers you need."))
(set #t_drivershelp (cat
" Delfina DSP sound card.\n\n"
" Read/Write sample data to a file.\n\n"
" Regular Amiga sound hardware.\n\n"
" Prelude sound card.\n\n"
" Toccata sound card.\n\n"
" Wavetools sound card.\n\n"
(set #t_020ver "Do you want to install the 68020-optimized binaries?")
(set #t_020verhelp (cat
" 68020-optimized binaries are much faster, and often also"
" smaller than plain 68000 versions. In the case of AHI,"
" the 68000 versions have less features and reduced sound"
" quality. It is strongly suggested that you use the"
" 68020 versions of the binaries.\n\n"
(set #t_devfiles "Which developer files do you wish to install?")
(set #t_devdocs "Autodocs and AHI Developer's Guide")
(set #t_source "Example source code")
(set #t_asm "Assembler include files")
(set #t_cgen "Generic C include files")
(set #t_e "E module files")
(set #t_fd "FD files")
(set #t_ade "Extra ADE gcc include files")
(set #t_sas "Extra SAS/C (and DICE) include files")
(set #t_storm "Extra StormC include files")
(set #t_devfileshelp (cat
"Autodocs and AHI Developer's Guide:\n"
" The autodocs and rules for programming AHI.\n\n"
"Example source code:\n"
" Some example programs, most of them are written in C, but"
" there are some assembler sources too.\n\n"
"Assembler include files:\n"
" Include files needed if you program in assembler.\n\n"
"Generic C include files:\n"
" Include files needed if you program in C.\n\n"
"E module files:\n"
" The module files to use with AmigaE.\n\n"
"FD files:\n"
" Can be used with the 'lvo' tool, or when you build a"
" hardware driver written in C.\n\n"
"Extra ADE gcc include files:\n"
" The special include files for gcc (inline, proto etc).\n\n"
"Extra SAS/C (and DICE) include files:\n"
" The special include files for SAS/C (pragmas, proto etc)."
" They work with DCC too, but with no tag calls.\n\n"
"Extra StormC include files:\n"
" The special include files for StormC (pragma, proto etc).\n\n"
(set #t_nodevs
"Cannot find the Devs: assign. Try a higher userlevel instead.")
(set #t_noc
"Cannot find the C: assign. Try a higher userlevel instead.")
(set #t_noprefs
"Cannot find the Sys:Prefs directory. Try a higher userlevel instead.")
(set #t_nol
"Cannot find the L: assign. Try a higher userlevel instead.")
(set #t_devspath "Where do you want to install the system files?")
(set #t_devspathhelp (cat
" The directory you select must be a part of your Devs: assign."
" The installer will copy ahi.device, the hardware drivers"
" and the audio mode description files to this directory."
" Subdirectories for the drivers and mode files will be"
" created.\n\n"
(set #t_cpath "Where do you want to install AddAudioModes?")
(set #t_cpathhelp (cat
" AddAudioModes is a small command line utility that can"
" be used to manipulate the database which contains the"
" audio modes (much like the screenmode database)."
" CLI programs are normally located in the C: directory.\n\n"
(set #t_localepath "Where do you want to install the catalogs?")
(set #t_localepathhelp (cat
" The directory you select must be a part of your Locale: assign."
" The installer will copy the catalogs you have selected to"
" subdirectories in this directory.\n\n"
(set #t_prefspath "Where do you want to install the preferences program?")
(set #t_prefspathhelp (cat
" The preferences program lets you configure AHI for your particular"
" configuration. You can select which sound hardware you prefer"
" to use, which physical inputs and outputs you wish to use"
" etc. Preferences programs are normally located in the"
" Sys:Prefs/ directory.\n"
" This program requires BGUI.\n\n"
(set #t_audiohelp (cat
" The AUDIO handler is used to mount a device called AUDIO:. By"
" copying files to and from this device, you can play and record"
" raw sample data, IFF-AIFF or IFF-AIFC files.\n\n"
(set #t_lpath "Where do you want to install the AUDIO handler?")
(set #t_lpathhelp (cat
" Handlers are normally located in the L: directory.\n\n"
(set #t_dosdevpath "Where do you want to install the AUDIO mount entry?")
(set #t_dosdevpathhelp (cat
" Mount entries are normally located in the Devs:DOSDrivers"
" directory if they are to be mounted at boot time. If not, they"
" probably are in the SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers directory.\n\n"
(set #t_dosdriver "Do you want the handler to be activated at boot time?")
(set #t_dosdriverhelp (cat
" If you want, the AUDIO: device can be made avaliable as soon as"
" your system has been started. This saves you the effort of"
" having to mount it manually when you want to use it. It does"
" not require much memory to mount the device and it is therefor"
" suggested that you select 'Yes'.\n\n"
(set #t_userdocpath "Where do you want to install the user documentation?")
(set #t_userdocpathhelp (cat
" This is an AmigaGuide® file descibing the AHI audio system"
" and its components.\n\n"
(set #t_srcpath (cat
" Where do you want to install the example source code?"
" A directory called AHI will be created there."
(set #t_srcpathhelp (cat
" The example sources, in both C and assembler, will be"
" stored in a subdirectory called AHI. Any files currently"
" present in the AHI directory will be deleted!\n\n"
(set #t_oldsrc (cat
" There is already a directory called AHI here."
" All files in it will be deleted."
(set #t_devdocspath " Where do you want to store the developer documentation?")
(set #t_devdocspathhelp (cat
" The installer will place the autodoc files and the"
" AHI Developer's Guide in the directory you select.\n\n"
(set #t_aincpath " Where are your assembler include files located?")
(set #t_aincpathhelp (cat
" The installer will place the assembler include files"
" in subdirectories (lvo, devices and libraries)"
" of the one you select.\n\n"
(set #t_fdpath " Where do you keep your FD-files?")
(set #t_fdpathhelp (cat
" FD-files are files describing a library's or a device's"
" functions. They can be used with the 'lvo' program, and"
" can also be useful if you write hardware drivers.\n\n"
(set #t_cincpath " Where are your C include files located?")
(set #t_cincpathhelp (cat
" The installer will place the generic C include files"
" in subdirectories (clib, devices and libraries)"
" of the one you select.\n\n"
(set #t_emodpath " Where are your E module files located?")
(set #t_emodpathhhelp (cat
" The installer will place the E module files in the directory"
" and in subdirectories (devices and libraries)"
" of the one you select.\n\n"
(set #t_adeincpath " Where do you want to place the ADE gcc include files?")
(set #t_adeincpathhelp (cat
" gcc needs some extra files to find out which registers"
" to use when calling AHI functions. That information is"
" located in these files, which will be copied to the"
" inline, pragmas and proto directories.\n\n"
(set #t_sasincpath " Where do you want to place the SAS/C (and DICE) include files?")
(set #t_sasincpathhelp (cat
" SAS/C (and DICE) needs some extra files to find out which registers"
" to use when calling AHI functions. That information is"
" located in these files, which will be copied to the"
" pragmas and proto directories.\n\n"
(set #t_stormincpath " Where do you want to place the StormC include files?")
(set #t_stormincpathhelp (cat
" StormC needs some extra files to find out which registers"
" to use when calling AHI functions. That information is"
" located in these files, which will be copied to the"
" pragma and proto directories.\n\n"
(set #t_ahidevhelp (cat
" ahi.device is the heart of the AHI"
" audio system. This is the only part"
" that other programs knows anything about.\n\n"
(set #t_runaddmodes (cat
" About to run AddAudioModes to recreate"
" the audio modes database."
(set #t_overwritemode1
" There is already a copy of the audio mode descriptor ")
(set #t_overwritemode2 " present in ")
(set #t_overwritemode3 (cat
" Do you want to overwrite it?"
" All changes you have done to to it will be lost!"
;(if (= @language "svenska")
;** Procedures
(procedure P_INSTDRIVER #pi_audioname #pi_modename
(set #pi_drvpath (tackon #devspath "AHI/"))
(set #pi_modepath (tackon #devspath "AudioModes/"))
(if (not (exists #pi_drvpath))
(makedir #pi_drvpath)
(if (not (exists #pi_modepath))
(makedir #pi_modepath)
(if (exists (tackon "User/Devs/AHI" (cat #pi_audioname #ver68k)))
(set #pi_audionamesrc (cat #pi_audioname #ver68k))
(set #pi_audionamesrc #pi_audioname)
(help (cat #t_drivershelp @copylib-help))
(prompt (cat #t_installing #pi_drvpath #pi_audionamesrc))
(source (tackon "User/Devs/AHI" #pi_audionamesrc))
(dest #pi_drvpath)
(newname #pi_audioname)
(set #pt_copymode 0)
(if (exists (tackon #pi_modepath #pi_modename))
(if (exists (tackon #pi_modepath #pi_modename))
; (if (askbool
; (prompt (cat #t_overwritemode1
; #pi_modename
; #t_overwritemode2
; #pi_drvpath
; #t_overwritemode3
; ))
; (default 1)
; (help #t_drivershelp)
; )
; (
(set #pt_copymode 1)
; ))
( ; else (exists)
(set #pt_copymode 1)
(if (= #pt_copymode 1)
(prompt (cat #t_installing #pi_modepath #pi_modename))
(source (tackon "User/Devs/AudioModes" #pi_modename))
(dest #pi_modepath)
(procedure P_INSTCATALOG #pi_language
(set #pi_dest (tackon (tackon #localepath "Catalogs") #pi_language))
(prompt (cat #t_installing (tackon #pi_dest #pi_language)))
(source (tackon "User/Catalogs" #pi_language))
(dest #pi_dest)
;** Main installation procedure starts here...
(set #system 1 ;System files
#prefs 2 ;Preferences program
#audio 4 ;The AHI handler
#userdoc 8 ;User documentation
#a-developer 16 ;App. programmers developer files
#d-developer 32 ;Drv. programmers developer files
(set #delfina 1 ;Sound card drivers
#filesave 2
#paula 4
#prelude 8
#toccata 16
#wavetools 32
(set #devdocs 1 ;Autodocs and programming guidelines
#source 2 ;Example source code
#asm 4 ;Assembler include files
#cgen 8 ;Generic C include files
#e 16 ;E module files
#fd 32 ;FD-files
#ade 64 ;ADE gcc include files
#sas 128 ;SAS/C include files
#storm 256 ;StormC include files
;** Make sure we're using a recent version of the installer
(if (< @installer-version (+ (* 43 65536) 3))
(if (not (askbool
(prompt #t_oldinstaller)
(help #t_oldinstallerhelp)
(abort (cat #t_installaborted "\n\n" #t_oldinstallerhelp))
;** Welcome!
(welcome #t_welcome)
;** Find out which parts should be installed
(set #default 0 #helptext "")
(set #parts 0)
(if (exists "User")
(set #helptext (cat #helptext #t_userhelp))
(set #default (bitor #default #system #prefs #audio #userdoc))
( ; else
(set #t_system "")
(set #t_prefs "")
(set #t_audio "")
(set #t_userdoc "")
(if (exists "Developer")
(set #helptext (cat #helptext #t_devhelp))
(set #default (bitor #default #a-developer))
( ; else
(set #t_a-developer "")
(set #t_d-developer "")
(if (= #default 0)
(abort #t_nofiles)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
;** Ask which parts should be installed
(if (= @user-level 0)
(set #parts #default)
( ; Average or Expert
(set #parts (askoptions
(prompt #t_parts)
(help (cat #helptext @askoptions-help))
(choices #t_system #t_prefs #t_audio #t_userdoc #t_a-developer #t_d-developer)
(default #default)
;** Activate the AUDIO handler at boot time?
(set #dosdevpath "Devs:DOSDrivers")
(if (and (bitand #parts #audio) (>= @user-level 1))
(if (not (askbool
(prompt #t_dosdriver)
(help (cat #t_dosdriverhelp @askbool-help))
(default 1)))
(set #dosdevpath "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers")
;** Ask which languages should be installed
(set #deutsch 1
#español 2
#français 4
#greek 8
#íslenska 16
#italiano 32
#nederlands 64
#norsk 128
#português 256
#svenska 512
#suomi 1024
(set #t_deutsch "Deutsch"
#t_español "Español"
#t_français "Français"
#t_greek "Greek"
#t_íslenska "Íslenska"
#t_italiano "Italiano"
#t_nederlands "Nederlands"
#t_norsk "Norsk"
#t_português "Português"
#t_svenska "Svenska"
#t_suomi "Suomi"
(set #default 0)
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/deutsch")) (set #t_deutsch ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/español")) (set #t_español ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/français")) (set #t_français ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/greek")) (set #t_greek ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/íslenska")) (set #t_íslenska ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/italiano")) (set #t_italiano ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/nederlands")) (set #t_nederlands ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/norsk")) (set #t_norsk ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/português")) (set #t_português ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/svenska")) (set #t_svenska ""))
(if (not (exists "User/Catalogs/suomi")) (set #t_suomi ""))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/deutsch.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_deutsch "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #deutsch))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/español.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_español "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #español))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/français.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_français "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #français))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/greek.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_greek "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #greek))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/íslenska.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_íslenska "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #íslenska))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/italiano.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_italiano "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #italiano))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/nederlands.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_nederlands "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #nederlands))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/norsk.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_norsk "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #norsk))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/português.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_portugues "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #portugues))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/svenska.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_svenska "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #svenska))
(if (and (exists "LOCALE:Languages/suomi.language" (noreq)) (not (= #t_suomi "")))
(set #default (bitor #default #suomi))
(if (bitand #parts (bitor #system #prefs))
(if (= @user-level 0)
(set #languages #default)
( ; Average or Expert
(set #languages (askoptions
(prompt #t_languages)
(help (cat #t_languageshelp @askoptions-help))
(choices #t_deutsch #t_español #t_français
#t_greek #t_íslenska #t_italiano #t_nederlands
#t_norsk #t_português #t_svenska
(default #default)
;** Find out which drivers should be installed (if any)
(set #default #filesave)
(set #drivers 0)
(if (exists "Libs:delfina.library" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #delfina))
(if (<> (database "graphics-mem") 0) ; Test for not Draco...
(set #default (bitor #default #paula))
(if (exists "Libs:prelude.library" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #prelude))
(if (exists "Libs:toccata.library" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #toccata))
(if (exists "Devs:dad_audio.device" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #wavetools))
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts #system)
(if (= @user-level 0)
(set #drivers #default)
( ; Average or Expert
(set #drivers (askoptions
(prompt #t_drivers)
(help (cat #t_drivershelp @askoptions-help))
(choices "Delfina" "Filesave" "Paula" "Prelude" "Toccata" "Wavetools")
(default #default)
;** Install 020-versions of the binaries?
(if (patmatch "68000|68010" (database "cpu"))
(set #ver68k ".000")
(set #ver68k "")
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #system) (= #ver68k "") (>= @user-level 1))
(if (not (askbool
(prompt #t_020ver)
(help (cat #t_020verhelp @askbool-help))
(default 1)))
(set #ver68k ".000")
;** Find out which developer files should be installed
(set #default (bitor #devdocs #source #asm #cgen #fd))
(set #devfiles 0)
(if (exists "ADE:" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #ade))
(if (exists "SC:" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #sas))
(if (exists "STORMC:" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #storm))
(if (exists "EMODULES:" (noreq))
(set #default (bitor #default #e))
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts (bitor #a-developer #d-developer))
(if (= @user-level 0)
(set #devfiles #default)
( ; Average or Expert
(set #devfiles (askoptions
(prompt #t_devfiles)
(help (cat #t_devfileshelp @askoptions-help))
(choices #t_devdocs #t_source #t_asm #t_cgen #t_e #t_fd #t_ade #t_sas #t_storm )
(default #default)
;** Find out where the files should be installed
(set #devspath "Devs:")
(set #cpath "C:")
(set #prefspath "SYS:Prefs/")
(set #lpath "L:")
(set #localepath "Locale:")
(set #incpath @default-dest)
(set #adeincpath "ADE:include/")
(set #sasincpath "Include:")
(set #stormincpath "StormC:Include")
(set #fdpath "FD:")
(set #emodpath "EMODULES:")
(if (exists #devspath (noreq)) (set #devspath (expandpath #devspath)))
(if (exists #cpath (noreq)) (set #cpath (expandpath #cpath)))
(if (exists #prefspath (noreq)) (set #prefspath (expandpath #prefspath)))
(if (exists #lpath (noreq)) (set #lpath (expandpath #lpath)))
(if (exists #localepath (noreq)) (set #localepath (expandpath #localepath)))
(if (not (exists "Help:" (noreq)))
(if (bitand #parts #prefs)
(set #userdocpath #prefspath)
(set #userdocpath @default-dest)
(if (>= #osversion 38)
(set #userdocpath "Help:")
(if (bitand #devfiles #ade)
(set #incpath "ADE:os-include/")
(if (exists "Include:" (noreq))
(set #incpath "Include:")
(if (= @user-level 0)
(if (and (bitand #parts #system) (not (exists #devspath (noreq))))
(abort #t_nodevs)
(if (and (bitand #parts #system) (not (exists #cpath (noreq))))
(abort #t_noc)
(if (and (bitand #parts #prefs) (not (exists #prefspath (noreq))))
(abort #t_noprefs)
(if (and (bitand #parts #audio) (not (exists #lpath (noreq))))
(abort #t_nol)
(set #srcpath (tackon @default-dest "AHI/"))
(if (exists #srcpath)
(delete #srcpath
(optional "force")
(set #devdocspath (tackon #srcpath "docs/"))
(if (= #userdocpath @default-dest)
(set #userdocpath #devdocspath)
(if (= #incpath @default-dest)
(set #incpath (tackon #srcpath "include/"))
(set #aincpath #incpath)
(set #cincpath #incpath)
(if (not (exists #sasincpath (noreq)))
(set #sasincpath #cincpath)
(if (not (exists #stormincpath (noreq)))
(set #stormincpath #cincpath)
(if (not (exists #fdpath (noreq)))
(set #fdpath (tackon #aincpath "fd/"))
(if (not (exists #emodpath (noreq)))
(set #emodpath #cincpath)
(makedir #srcpath (infos))
(set @default-dest #srcpath)
; Match the number of completes in the 'else' section...
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete (* 15 #completeadd)))
( ; Average or Expert
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #system)
(or (not (exists #devspath (noreq))) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #devspath (askdir
(prompt #t_devspath)
(help (cat #t_devspathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #devspath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #system)
(or (not (exists #cpath (noreq))) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #cpath (askdir
(prompt #t_cpath)
(help (cat #t_cpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #cpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (<> #languages 0)
(or (not (exists #localepath (noreq))) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #localepath (askdir
(prompt #t_localepath)
(help (cat #t_localepathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #localepath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #prefs)
(or (not (exists #prefspath (noreq))) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #prefspath (askdir
(prompt #t_prefspath)
(help (cat #t_prefspathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #prefspath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #audio)
(or (not (exists #lpath (noreq))) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #lpath (askdir
(prompt #t_lpath)
(help (cat #t_lpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #lpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #audio)
(or (not (exists #dosdevpath (noreq))) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #dosdevpath (askdir
(prompt #t_dosdevpath)
(help (cat #t_dosdevpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #dosdevpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (and (bitand #parts #userdoc)
(or (= #userdocpath @default-dest) (= @user-level 2) ))
(set #userdocpath (askdir
(prompt #t_userdocpath)
(help (cat #t_userdocpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #userdocpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #source)
(set #srcpath (askdir
(prompt #t_srcpath)
(help (cat #t_srcpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default @default-dest)
(set #srcpath (tackon #srcpath "AHI/"))
(if (exists #srcpath)
(delete #srcpath
(confirm average)
(optional "force")
(prompt #t_oldsrc)
(help #t_nohelp)
(makedir #srcpath (infos))
(set @default-dest #srcpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #devdocs)
(set #devdocspath (askdir
(prompt #t_devdocspath)
(help (cat #t_devdocspathhelp @askdir-help))
(default (tackon @default-dest "docs/"))
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #asm)
(set #aincpath (askdir
(prompt #t_aincpath)
(help (cat #t_aincpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #incpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #fd)
(if (not (exists #fdpath (noreq)))
(set #fdpath (tackon #aincpath "fd/"))
(set #fdpath (askdir
(prompt #t_fdpath)
(help (cat #t_fdpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #fdpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #cgen)
(set #cincpath (askdir
(prompt #t_cincpath)
(help (cat #t_cincpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #incpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #e)
(set #emodpath (askdir
(prompt #t_emodpath)
(help (cat #t_emodpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #emodpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #ade)
(set #adeincpath (askdir
(prompt #t_adeincpath)
(help (cat #t_adeincpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #adeincpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #sas)
(set #sasincpath (askdir
(prompt #t_sasincpath)
(help (cat #t_sasincpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #sasincpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #storm)
(set #stormincpath (askdir
(prompt #t_stormincpath)
(help (cat #t_stormincpathhelp @askdir-help))
(default #stormincpath)
;**** Install *****************************************************************
;** Install the prefs program
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts #prefs)
(help (cat #t_prefspathhelp @copylib-help))
(prompt #t_installing "AHI")
(source "User/Prefs/AHI")
(dest #prefspath)
(protect (tackon #cpath "AHI") "+e")
(set @default-dest #prefspath)
;** Install the audio handler
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts #audio)
(help (cat #t_lpathhelp @copylib-help))
(prompt #t_installing "AHI-Handler")
(source "User/L/AHI-Handler")
(dest #lpath)
(protect (tackon #lpath "AHI-Handler") "+e")
(help (cat #t_dosdevpathhelp @copylib-help))
(prompt #t_installing "AUDIO")
(source "User/Devs/DOSDrivers/AUDIO")
(dest #dosdevpath)
(set @default-dest #lpath)
;** Install the user documentation
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts #userdoc)
(help (cat #t_userdocpathhelp @copylib-help))
(prompt #t_installing "ahi.guide")
(source "User/Help/ahi.guide")
(dest #userdocpath)
(set @default-dest #userdocpath)
;** Install ahi.device, AddAudioModes and drivers
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts #system)
;** ahi.device
(help (cat #t_ahidevhelp @copylib-help))
(prompt (cat #t_installing "ahi.device" #ver68k))
(source (cat "User/Devs/ahi.device" #ver68k))
(dest #devspath)
(newname "ahi.device")
;** AddAudioModes
(help (cat #t_cpathhelp @copylib-help))
(prompt #t_installing "AddAudioModes")
(source "User/C/AddAudioModes")
(dest #cpath)
(protect (tackon #cpath "AddAudioModes") "+e")
;** Drivers
(if (bitand #drivers #delfina)
(P_INSTDRIVER "delfina.audio" "DELFINA")
(if (bitand #drivers #filesave)
(P_INSTDRIVER "filesave.audio" "FILESAVE")
(if (bitand #drivers #paula)
(P_INSTDRIVER "paula.audio" "PAULA")
(if (bitand #drivers #prelude)
(P_INSTDRIVER "prelude.audio" "PRELUDE")
(if (bitand #drivers #toccata)
(P_INSTDRIVER "toccata.audio" "TOCCATA")
(if (bitand #drivers #wavetools)
(P_INSTDRIVER "wavetools.audio" "WAVETOOLS")
(run (cat (tackon #cpath "AddAudioModes") " REMOVE")
(prompt #t_runaddmodes)
(help #t_nohelp)
(set @default-dest #devspath)
;** Install the catalogs
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #parts (bitor #system #prefs))
;** Catalogs
(if (bitand #languages #deutsch)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_deutsch)
(if (bitand #languages #español)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_español)
(if (bitand #languages #français)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_français)
(if (bitand #languages #greek)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_greek)
(if (bitand #languages #íslenska)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_íslenska)
(if (bitand #languages #italiano)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_italiano)
(if (bitand #languages #nederlands)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_nederlands)
(if (bitand #languages #norsk)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_norsk)
(if (bitand #languages #português)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_português)
(if (bitand #languages #svenska)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_svenska)
(if (bitand #languages #suomi)
(P_INSTCATALOG #t_suomi)
;** Install the autodocs
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #devdocs)
(if (bitand #parts #a-developer)
(set #pattern "~(#?sub#?)"))
(if (bitand #parts #d-developer)
(set #pattern "(#?sub#?)"))
(if (and (bitand #parts #a-developer) (bitand #parts #d-developer))
(set #pattern "#?"))
(makedir #devdocspath)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingdocs )
(source "Developer/docs/")
(dest #devdocspath)
(pattern #pattern)
(confirm average)
(set @default-dest #devdocspath)
;** Install the include files
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #fd)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/Include/FD")
(dest #fdpath)
(set @default-dest #fdpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #asm)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/include/Asm")
(dest #aincpath)
(set @default-dest #aincpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #cgen)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/Include/C")
(dest #cincpath)
(set @default-dest #cincpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #e)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/Include/E")
(dest #emodpath)
(set @default-dest #emodpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #ade)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/Include/ADE")
(dest #adeincpath)
(set @default-dest #adeincpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #sas)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/Include/SAS")
(dest #sasincpath)
(set @default-dest #sasincpath)
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #storm)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingincs)
(source "Developer/Include/Storm")
(dest #stormincpath)
(set @default-dest #stormincpath)
;** Install the examples
(complete (/ #complete 10)) (set #complete (+ #complete #completeadd))
(if (bitand #devfiles #source)
(if (bitand #parts #a-developer)
(makedir (tackon #srcpath "examples/"))
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingsrc)
(source "Developer/examples")
(dest (tackon #srcpath "examples/"))
(if (bitand #parts #d-developer)
(makedir (tackon #srcpath "drivers/"))
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingsrc)
(source "Developer/drivers")
(dest (tackon #srcpath "drivers/"))
(makedir (tackon #srcpath "support/"))
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingsrc)
(source "Developer/support")
(dest (tackon #srcpath "support/"))
(if (bitand #parts (bitor #a-developer #d-developer))
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #t_installingsrc)
(source "")
(dest #srcpath)
(pattern "(COPYRIGHT|HISTORY|VERSION|ahi.readme)#?")
(set @default-dest #srcpath)
(complete 100)